Hi markewaite I checked with CloudBees SDA CI to https://support.cloudbees.com. They are telling this could be a issue with Job-Dsl-plugin and it's not managed by them.
Below is the code I am using for re creating the folder, which wipes out the config files .
I tried in 2 ways,
- First I tried just recreating the folder using below code
folder(mainFolder) {
description("${serviceName} pipeline jobs")
2. I tried retaining the existing properties from the existing folder then add it in the folder properties
def mainFolderObj = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(mainFolder)
println mainFolderObj.getProperties()
def capturedConfigFileProperty = null
if (mainFolderObj instanceof com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) { capturedConfigFileProperty = mainFolderObj.getProperties().find { it instanceof FolderConfigFileProperty } }
println capturedConfigFileProperty.getConfigs()
folder(mainFolder) {
description("${serviceName} pipeline jobs")
configFiles {
gugan usually you want to report issues with CloudBees SDA CI to https://support.cloudbees.com