Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins: version 2.401.3
Helix QAC Plugin: version 3.3.5
We use a Windows 2019 agent and judging by the line starting the process (presumably originating from the plugin) is using sh.exe from GitBASH to run:
"C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sh.exe" -c "({ while [ -d 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5' -a \! -f 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5\jenkins-result.txt' ]; do touch 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5\jenkins-log.txt'; sleep 3; done } & jsc=durable-7dabcaa51079a3b110503fea462c02efe49a75b63f0c388851e8dc83e3bde9e9; JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE=$jsc 'sh' -xe 'C:/JenkinsFolder/workspace/PROJECT@tmp/durable-c4e236e5/script.sh' > 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5\jenkins-log.txt' 2>&1; echo $? > 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5\jenkins-result.txt.tmp'; mv 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5\jenkins-result.txt.tmp' 'C:\JenkinsFolder\workspace\PROJECT@tmp\durable-c4e236e5\jenkins-result.txt'; wait) >&- 2>&- &"
This line was extracted from one of the hanging processes using ProcessExplorer and at the time of checking the properties it was 48h old.
It also seems that each sh.exe process has a child sleep.exe process hanging too, as seen on attached pictures.
The consequence of QAC processes not closing is that Helix QAC becomes unresponsive after a while, resulting in builds doing Helix QAC stages timeouting while receiving no output at all.
The only solution to continue using the agent for QAC is then to remove all such dangling processes, either manually or by rebooting the machine.