Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.414.2, TAP Plugin 2.3, JUnit Plugin Version1259.v65ffcef24a_88
When the tap report file resides in the root of the workspace, attachments work fine. If the report file is in a subfolder, then trying to access an attachment leads to an error 'Couldn't read FilePath.'.
Minimal broken pipeline file (deleting 'folder/', then attachments can be downloaded successfully):
pipeline { agent { label 'linux' } stages { stage('testing tap') { steps { writeFile(file: "folder/results.tap", text: """TAP version 13 # Started 2024-03-02T08:03:20 1..3 not ok 1 toto --- duration_ms: 1 message: "Failed to validate 'outexpect' (#1: blabla)" extensions: Files: out_1.txt: File-Size: 6 File-Name: out_1.txt File-Type: text/plain File-Content: aGVsbG8K ... ok 3 tutu2 --- duration_ms: 1 ... # Finished 2024-03-02T08:03:20""") step([$class: "TapPublisher", testResults: 'folder/**.tap']) archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'folder/**.tap', fingerprint: true // this step is necessary, since tap plugin doesn't archive the report automatically } } } }
Also, for the test results, the request for the hover never comes back, we haven't found a way to get this to work (see screenshot)