Resolution: Fixed
jenkins versions past 2.442 and java past version 11, that is, this anything past this combination causes the error
2.488, 2.479.3
With any version of the scriplter plugin installed in a jenkins version greater than 2.442 or a java version past 11, the jenkins interface crashes with the log entry of:
org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/D:/Apps/Tomcat%209.0/webapps/jenkins/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-2.452.3.jar!/hudson/model/ManageJenkinsAction/index.jelly:45:57: <st:include> Exception evaluating property 'size' for java.util.ArrayList, Reason: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: size for class: hudson.model.UpdateSite$Warning at org.apache.commons.jelly.impl.TagScript.handleException(TagScript.java:719)
- is related to
JENKINS-72779 Scriplter 348.v5d461e205da_a_ not showing Scriptler navigation feature
- Resolved
- links to
I'm unable to duplicate the problem as described. The issue may be somehow related to your use of Tomcat as a container instead of using the Jenkins Winstone container. It could be related to some other setting. It could be related to the plugins you have installed compared to the plugins that I have installed.
You'll need to provide more details so that others can duplicate the issue that you are seeing. "How to report an issue" describes the types of details that are needed.
Steps that I took while trying to duplicate the issue:
The steps were run with Java 21.0.4 on a Debian Linux computer.