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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73665

Credentials became unusable after it's update.


      Found issue on credentials plugin side. Credentials became unusable after updating it's value. 
      Steps to reproduce
      1. Create new credentials, for gitlab access token (just an example). Use it in a pipeline, Should work. 
      2. Generate a new token on gitlab side.
      3. Update existing credentials with new token and try to use it in pipeline. Will not work and return "Unauthorized" from gitlab side.

      Gitlab here is just an example, the same behavior we can see with any credentials.  

      Jenkins version: 2.452.1
      Credentials plugin version: 1371.vfee6b_095f0a_3

      Is it a known bug?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ezhuravlev Evgeny
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