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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73797

Git checkout of Bitbucket multibranch Pipelines fails when using ssh

      Since release 5.5.0 of the Git-Client the "security" → "Git Host Key Verification Configuration" setting is ignored (at least on Kubernetes Agents).

      Workaround is manual downgrade to 5.4.1

      Using anything other than "Known hosts files" causes "stderr: Host key verification failed." followed by "fatal: Could not read from remote repository."

      Checking out the pipeline repos beforehand is still working, seems to be a problem on kubernetes agents builds only.

        1. sysinfo.txt
          156 kB
        2. run-jenkins.sh
          0.9 kB
        3. plugins.txt
          2 kB
        4. image-2024-09-20-13-37-05-669.png
          37 kB

          [JENKINS-73797] Git checkout of Bitbucket multibranch Pipelines fails when using ssh

            markewaite Mark Waite
            rpaasche Ruby Paasche
            6 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
