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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73880

Not really capturing the cache


      1. First, i tried these which didn't work

      • yum install redis and started in the same host where jenkins is
      • In jenkins under system > results cache > added URL as "redis://localhost:6379"
      • Created freestyle parameterized job with testing code added below. Also enabled "Enable results cache for job" under the job configuration leaving it blank to take all parameters.
        #!/bin/bash# Parameters
        FILE_SIZE=${FILE_SIZE:-"1G"}            # File size default is 1GB
        SORT_COMMAND=${SORT_COMMAND:-""}        # Sort command parameters (if any)
        COMPRESSION_TYPE=${COMPRESSION_TYPE:-"gzip"}  # Compression type default is gzip
        DELAY=${DELAY:-"120"}                   # Delay time default is 120 seconds
        REPEAT_SORT=${REPEAT_SORT:-"2"}         # Number of times to repeat the sorting
        REPEAT_COMPRESSION=${REPEAT_COMPRESSION:-"2"}  # Number of times to repeat compressionecho "Parameters:"
        echo "File size: $FILE_SIZE"
        echo "Sort command: $SORT_COMMAND"
        echo "Compression type: $COMPRESSION_TYPE"
        echo "Delay: $DELAY seconds"
        echo "Repeat sort: $REPEAT_SORT times"
        echo "Repeat compression: $REPEAT_COMPRESSION times"echo "Starting complex task..."# Step 1: Generate a large random file
        echo "Generating large random file of size $FILE_SIZE..."
        base64 /dev/urandom | head -c $FILE_SIZE > large_file.txt# Step 2: Sort the file multiple times (this will be disk and CPU-intensive)
        for ((i=1; i<=REPEAT_SORT; i++)); do
            echo "Sorting the large file, iteration $i with options: $SORT_COMMAND..."
            start_time=$(date +%s)
            sort $SORT_COMMAND large_file.txt -o sorted_file_$i.txt
            end_time=$(date +%s)
            elapsed_sort=$((end_time - start_time))
            echo "Sorting iteration $i completed. Time taken: $elapsed_sort seconds."
        done# Step 3: Count the number of words in the last sorted file
        echo "Counting words in the sorted file (last iteration)..."
        start_time=$(date +%s)
        word_count=$(wc -w < sorted_file_$REPEAT_SORT.txt)
        end_time=$(date +%s)
        elapsed_wc=$((end_time - start_time))
        echo "Word count completed. Time taken: $elapsed_wc seconds."
        echo "Total words: $word_count"# Step 4: Compress the sorted file multiple times (Disk I/O-intensive task)
        for ((i=1; i<=REPEAT_COMPRESSION; i++)); do
            echo "Compressing the sorted file from iteration $i using $COMPRESSION_TYPE..."
            start_time=$(date +%s)
            if [ "$COMPRESSION_TYPE" = "gzip" ]; then
                gzip -k sorted_file_$i.txt
            elif [ "$COMPRESSION_TYPE" = "bzip2" ]; then
                bzip2 -k sorted_file_$i.txt
                echo "Unknown compression type: $COMPRESSION_TYPE"
                exit 1
            end_time=$(date +%s)
            elapsed_compress=$((end_time - start_time))
            echo "Compression iteration $i completed. Time taken: $elapsed_compress seconds."
        done# Step 5: Simulate a network delay or other long operation
        echo "Simulating a delay of $DELAY seconds..."
        sleep $DELAY# Calculate total elapsed time
        total_elapsed=$((elapsed_sort + elapsed_wc + elapsed_compress + DELAY))
        echo "Total time for the complex task: $total_elapsed seconds."# Cleanup
        rm large_file.txt sorted_file_*.txt.* 2>/dev/nullecho "Complex task completed." 
      • when executing the job I get this error
      [Results Cache] (Pre-Checkout) Checking cached result for this job (hash: 4fb4ada78b068b92fb4774) 
      [Results Cache][WARNING] (Pre-Checkout) Unable to get cached result for this job (hash: 4fb4ada78b068b92fb4774). Exception: unknown protocol: redis 
      <code execution>
      <code execution>
      <code execution>
      [Results Cache] (Post Build) Sending build result for this job (result: SUCCESS :: build: 38 :: hash: 4fb4ada78b068b566d3d69dc92fb4774)
      [Results Cache][WARNING] (Update status: FAILURE) Unable to connect with cache server. Exception: unknown protocol: redis


      2. I thought port is an issue

      • I edited the port from 6379 to 8181 which is enabled in our security groups  
      • Changed the URL prost to 8181
      • I triggered the job and once again saw the same reply as above.


      3. I tried another approach

      • added a python file and triggered to create an endpoint URL pointing to redis 
      from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
      import redisapp = Flask(__name__)
      client = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=8181, db=0)@app.route('/cache/<key>', methods=['GET'])
      def get_cache(key):
          value = client.get(key)
          if value:
              return jsonify({key: value.decode('utf-8')}), 200
              return 'Key not found', 404@app.route('/cache', methods=['POST'])
      def set_cache():
          data = request.get_json()
          key = data.get('key')
          value = data.get('value')
          client.set(key, value)
          return 'Value cached', 201@app.route('/cache/<key>', methods=['DELETE'])
      def delete_cache(key):
          return 'Cache entry deleted', 200if __name__ == '__main__':
          app.run(host='', port=8282)
      • . added the URL under the system > results cache URL as "http://localhost:8181"
      • This seems to work giving different result 
      [Results Cache] (Pre-Checkout) Checking cached result for this job (hash: 4fb4ada78b068b566d3d69dc92fb4774) 
      [Results Cache] (Pre-Checkout) Cached result for this job (hash: 4fb4ada78b068b566d3d69dc92fb4774) is NOT_BUILT; found on build number -1 
      <code execution>
      <code execution>
      <code execution>
      [Results Cache] (Post Build) Sending build result for this job (result: SUCCESS :: build: 37 :: hash: 4fb4ada78b068b566d3d69dc92fb4774)
      [Results Cache] (Update status: SUCCESS) Build result sent
      • But for real, it does not work. The before and after job execution time is still the same.




            franciscoord Francisco Javier García
            akhitak Akhil T
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