here is jenkins server restart
Resuming build at Fri Oct 11 08:25:44 IST 2024 after Jenkins restart Ready to run at Fri Oct 11 08:25:44 IST 2024
but after that pipeline shows that issue , its a normal pipeline and there nothing is like load on server or not the CPU & RAM also in good amount.
wrapper script does not seem to be touching the log file in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/JOB UTC PIPELINE@2@tmp/durable-232a6ed6 (JENKINS-48300: if on an extremely laggy filesystem, consider -Dorg.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BourneShellScript.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_INTERVAL=86400)
We use the Jenkins issue tracker for bugs and enhancements. This looks like a request for a question and answer interaction rather than a bug report or an enhancement request. We use for question and answer. There are many more people reading that site and willing to help with question and answer.
If you believe this is a bug, then please follow all the instructions in "How to report an issue" and provide complete details so that others can duplicate the issue. If those details are not provided, this issue will be closed as "Not a defect".