Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Red Hat RPM installed from hudson-ci.org repository
I just did a yum upgrade hudson to get the lastest version of hudson and when I went back to hudson in my browser my build history was almost all gone. I'm now only showing 30 builds when there should be 167 builds. I have looked on the file system and all the builds are there. The builds that should be there, ie. 31 - 167 don't have build.xml files in them.
Is there a way to restore those build.xml files if I don't have them on a back somewhere?
- is related to
JENKINS-11938 Jenkins loses builds when restarted
- Closed
Hi, this is not related to build-publisher, moving to core component.
You can rise the question how to put back the builds on Hudson users list (probably the same issue is already being discussed there: http://hudson.361315.n4.nabble.com/HELP-NEEDED-Upgraded-from-1-380-to-1-384-and-all-my-jobs-are-gone-td3037109.html)