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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-9689

Labels/Node tree is not visible in multiconfiguration project setup

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • matrix-project-plugin
    • None
    • Windows 7 Ultimate, Google Chrome 11.0.696.65 (Jenkins 1.411 or later - possibly earlier, definitely didn't show up in 1.400)

      When I try and setup a multi-configuration project using the Slaves as the axis, the Labels/Nodes tree area has nothing in it for me to select a label or
      node for the axis. The javascript code is there when I view source, but nothing shows up to allow me to set the axis for the slaves.

      The code inside the tree element is as follows:

      hudsonRules["DIV.labelAxis-tree"] = function(e) {
      var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView(e);

      var labels = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode("Labels", tree.getRoot(), false);
      var machines = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode("Individual nodes", tree.getRoot(), false);

      var values = (e.getAttribute("values") || "").split("/");
      function has(v)

      { return values.include(v) ? 'checked="checked" ' : ""; }

      new YAHOO.widget.TextNode("<input type=\'checkbox\' name=\'values\' json=\'master\' "has("master")"/><label class=\'attach-previous\'>master (the master Jenkins node)</label>", machines, false);

      new YAHOO.widget.TextNode("<input type=\'checkbox\' name=\'values\' json=\'slave\' "has("slave")"/><label class=\'attach-previous\'>slave (group of sv-build-03,sv-build-02)</label>", labels, false);

      new YAHOO.widget.TextNode("<input type=\'checkbox\' name=\'values\' json=\'sv-build-02\' "has("sv-build-02")"/><label class=\'attach-previous\'>sv-build-02 (Slave Build Server #1)</label>", machines, false);

      new YAHOO.widget.TextNode("<input type=\'checkbox\' name=\'values\' json=\'sv-build-03\' "has("sv-build-03")"/><label class=\'attach-previous\'>sv-build-03 (Slave Build Server #2)</label>", machines, false);



      No javascript errors are shown on the javascript console.

          [JENKINS-9689] Labels/Node tree is not visible in multiconfiguration project setup

            kohsuke Kohsuke Kawaguchi
            slide_o_mix Alex Earl
            12 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
