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- JENKINS-72205
Nullpointer exception showing test Trend chart - JENKINS-71781
No HTML in Reporter Output possible anymore - JENKINS-70892
[Guice/MissingConstructor]: No injectable constructor for type Publisher$DescriptorImpl. - JENKINS-68724
Method Execution Trend Chart not shown - JENKINS-67652
Publisher marks entire pipeline as UNSTABLE when only one stage should - JENKINS-65146
Method Execution Trend Chart is not showing previous run results - JENKINS-55264
Threshold Number of tests not working - JENKINS-47620
Ability to fail the build in case the publisher fails - JENKINS-46387
testNg plugin - publishing multiple reports separately on build page - JENKINS-42819
Percentage Threshold Is Broken for 100% - JENKINS-38661
NPE occurred when testngProjAction is NULL - JENKINS-37002
Forcefully Mark Build as SUCCESS when Failure count is below Unstable Threshold - JENKINS-36423
Ability to search testng-results outside of jenkins workpsace - JENKINS-35254
Thresholds to mark build unstable - JENKINS-34822
TestNG plugin has incorrect default threshold values - JENKINS-32933
No TestNG results should mark build as Failure - JENKINS-32698
Negative duration times displayed by Jenkins TestNG plugin - JENKINS-27687
xmlPullParser.nextToken() returning 'null', code using that generates Illegal Argument on Enum class - JENKINS-26795
Configuration methods are not exported in REST API - JENKINS-23539
Initialize TestNgResult from testng result xml tag - JENKINS-18185
TestNG plugin should be able to capture and display stdout/stderr of tests - JENKINS-15985
Common TestNG report on Matrix configuration project - JENKINS-13654
Showing attributes in testng results - JENKINS-10462
Display TestNG Method parameters at the top level
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