Hello, I you have multiple consecutive rundeck notifiers in a jenkins pipeline and one of them fails, all the rest fail with this message:
Error while talking to Rundeck's API at http://rundeck:4440 : null
example from the output and very easy to reproduce:
Rundeck execution #120588 finished in 1 second, with status : succeeded
Rundeck execution #120587 finished in 1 second, with status : succeeded
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] }
Rundeck execution #120589 finished in 0 seconds, with status : failed
Error while talking to Rundeck's API at http://rundeck:4440 : null
How to reproduce:
create 2 rundeck jobs, create a jenkins pipelien which just runs the 2 rundeck jobs and intentionally make the first rundeck job fail, the next give the error. Even with a try-catch it's the same.
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