Resolution: Unresolved
Running rundeck-plugin 3.6.9 on Jenkins 2.263.x, I intermittently see a timeout when the plugin connects to rundeck's API:
Instance 'rundeck username' with rundeck user 'Authenticate By token': Notifying Rundeck... Looking for jobId : c0af14ea-c920-11eb-b8bc-0242ac130003 Error while talking to Rundeck's API at https://myrundeckserver.example.com : timeout ERROR: Step ‘Rundeck’ failed: Error while talking to Rundeck's API at https://myrundeckserver.example.com : timeout Finished: FAILURE
This results in the job failing. On the rundeck side, I appear to see an nginx 499 indicating that the client closed the connection:
"POST /api/32/job/c0af14ea-c920-11eb-b8bc-0242ac130003/executions HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "rd-api-client/1.3.3"
Re-running the job will most likely result in it succeeding, so this problem is very intermittent.
Is it possible to increase the timeout for how long rundeck-plugin waits before timing out? Or, how else can I debug and fix why this is happening? Thanks!