I have a job that builds multiple IPA files, I have noticed in the workspace after a build only one IPA file exists, if I look at the workspace during a build I see other IPA files, but only one exists at a given time.
Is this still the case ? The project is supposed to be able to multiple IPAs. Can you describe your config a bit more ?
Are you using multiple xcode build steps in one job ? Then yes, this could cause it because we do something like
for (FilePath path : ipaOutputPath.list("*.ipa")) {
added a comment - - edited Is this still the case ? The project is supposed to be able to multiple IPAs. Can you describe your config a bit more ?
Are you using multiple xcode build steps in one job ? Then yes, this could cause it because we do something like
for (FilePath path : ipaOutputPath.list( "*.ipa" )) {
Ashton Williams
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the same thing happens to me - is there any way to distinguish the ipa names for different targets?