If you want to use different bundle IDs or app display names in different circumstances, update Info.plist directly. For example, create a user-defined "APP_BUNDLE_ID" build setting, and then set your target's CFBundleIdentifier to ${APP_BUNDLE_ID}, which you can then choose to define differently in your Debug vs Release build configs. You can create as many build configurations as you need to.
Once you've made CFBundleIdentifier or CFBundleDisplayName dependent on your build configuration, you could even override them at runtime as arguments to xcodebuild, but to do so would be foolish. It's pathological to put your build server in charge of determining essential metadata like your bundle ID or displayed bundle name, because it means the project can't build correctly anywhere else.
In my opinion, this feature request should be closed without action.
I understand your need and I may be agree to integrate new options to change the bundle identifier and the app display name but the question is how ?
For versions I'm using agvtool command line utility to do it. But for these information I don't know how I could do it without manually hacking in the descriptor. WDYT ?
About multiple configuration entries, the xcodebuild command line tool seems to support only one configuration per build. How do you imagine the behavior of the plugin ? It calls several times the xcodebuild command line with all paramaters for each configuration ?