Job generator plugin was last released 8 years ago. The last commit to the repository was also 8 years ago. Probably best to convert your jobs to use Jenkins Pipeline.
If the plugin is crucial to you, you could adopt the plugin, modify it to support the current Jenkins versions, and release a new version. The "Contributing to Open Source" workshop may be helpful, including the 5 part video series.
The plugin also contains a known security vulnerability. Really best to convert your jobs to use Jenkins Pipeline.
Mark Waite
added a comment - - edited Job generator plugin was last released 8 years ago. The last commit to the repository was also 8 years ago. Probably best to convert your jobs to use Jenkins Pipeline.
If the plugin is crucial to you, you could adopt the plugin, modify it to support the current Jenkins versions, and release a new version. The "Contributing to Open Source" workshop may be helpful, including the 5 part video series.
The plugin also contains a known security vulnerability. Really best to convert your jobs to use Jenkins Pipeline.
FWIW, I found a workaround to this problem. I created a node called 'master' on the Jenkins master.
Generator jobs now work without updating the plugin. It appears the plugin really wants the node name to be 'master' and the label 'master' isn't quite enough.
I have not explored the plugin to see why this occurs.
You may need to adjust the number of executors in 'Built-in Node' and 'master' since you now have two nodes on the same machine.
Eric Boehm
added a comment - FWIW, I found a workaround to this problem. I created a node called 'master' on the Jenkins master.
Generator jobs now work without updating the plugin. It appears the plugin really wants the node name to be 'master' and the label 'master' isn't quite enough.
I have not explored the plugin to see why this occurs.
You may need to adjust the number of executors in 'Built-in Node' and 'master' since you now have two nodes on the same machine.
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Job generator plugin was last released 8 years ago. The last commit to the repository was also 8 years ago. Probably best to convert your jobs to use Jenkins Pipeline.
If the plugin is crucial to you, you could adopt the plugin, modify it to support the current Jenkins versions, and release a new version. The "Contributing to Open Source" workshop may be helpful, including the 5 part video series.
The plugin also contains a known security vulnerability. Really best to convert your jobs to use Jenkins Pipeline.