as I am accustomed to using the jclouds plugin, I apologize if I'm not grokking how the digitalocean plugin itself is supposed to be used.
With the jclouds plugin, I can test my configured nodes by navigating to "Manage nodes and clouds" then to the "provision via <cloud provider>" dropdown. I've added a cloud via the digitalocean plugin directly using the "Configure clouds" UX, however there is no entry in this node spawning dropdown so that I can test spinning up a node.
EDIT: this part seems to work once some jobs run -Similarly, jclouds also shows up in the "cloud statistics" screen where I can see the history of everything being spawned, however I'm not sure if any digitalocean plugin nodes have been spawned at all, as there doesnt seem to be an entry for the new configuration that I've added.-
so where I'm at now I have no way to test my config unless I spin up lots of jobs and hope that they happen to also need to spin up cloud nodes (I use the cloud nodes on top of a few physical nodes for overflow). is there something im missing like using jenkins console or something like that?
edit: the history view seems to be working, now that some jobs have run. So just a way to spawn nodes would be pretty helpful here. going to see now if these new nodes that I haven't tested work at all ....
mike bayer
added a comment - edit: the history view seems to be working, now that some jobs have run. So just a way to spawn nodes would be pretty helpful here. going to see now if these new nodes that I haven't tested work at all ....
Gavin Mogan
added a comment - I have a rough draft for provisioning on demand. I want to add some tests, before merging, but it does seem to work locally for me.
thanks for looking into this! you'll likely have this merged before I would have time to get a build environment working as I dont have java/maven/etc on speed dial here...
mike bayer
added a comment - thanks for looking into this! you'll likely have this merged before I would have time to get a build environment working as I dont have java/maven/etc on speed dial here...
Writing tests for a codebase your not super familiar with is slow, so i don't expect a release this weekend but maybe.
Gavin Mogan
added a comment - now that the build isn't failing, there's a rc @
Writing tests for a codebase your not super familiar with is slow, so i don't expect a release this weekend but maybe.
Gavin Mogan
mike bayer
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edit: the history view seems to be working, now that some jobs have run. So just a way to spawn nodes would be pretty helpful here. going to see now if these new nodes that I haven't tested work at all ....