Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 1.67
ace-editor 1.1
ansicolor 0.5.0
ant 1.5
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5
authentication-tokens 1.3
bouncycastle-api 2.16.2
branch-api 2.0.11
build-timeout 1.18
clone-workspace-scm 0.6
cloudbees-folder 6.1.2
conditional-buildstep 1.3.6
credentials 2.1.14
credentials-binding 1.12
display-url-api 2.0
docker-build-publish 1.3.2
docker-commons 1.8
docker-workflow 1.12
durable-task 1.14
email-ext 2.58
envinject 2.1.3
envinject-api 1.2
external-monitor-job 1.7
git 3.5.1
git-client 2.5.0
git-server 1.7
github 1.28.0
github-api 1.86
github-branch-source 2.2.3
github-organization-folder 1.6
gogs-webhook 1.0.10
gradle 1.27.1
greenballs 1.15
groovy-postbuild 2.3.1
handlebars 1.1.1
hidden-parameter 0.0.4
icon-shim 2.0.3
jackson2-api 2.7.3
javadoc 1.4
jquery-detached 1.2.1
junit 1.21
ldap 1.16
mailer 1.20
mask-passwords 2.10.1
matrix-auth 1.7
matrix-project 1.11
maven-plugin 2.17
momentjs 1.1.1
naginator 1.17.2
next-build-number 1.4
pam-auth 1.3
parameterized-trigger 2.35.1
pipeline-build-step 2.5.1
pipeline-github-lib 1.0
pipeline-graph-analysis 1.4
pipeline-input-step 2.7
pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1
pipeline-model-api 1.1.9
pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1
pipeline-model-definition 1.1.9
pipeline-model-extensions 1.1.9
pipeline-rest-api 2.8
pipeline-stage-step 2.2
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.1.9
pipeline-stage-view 2.8
plain-credentials 1.4
postbuild-task 1.8
postbuildscript 0.17
purge-build-queue-plugin 1.0
queue-cleanup 1.0
rebuild 1.25
resource-disposer 0.7
run-condition 1.0
scm-api 2.2.0
script-security 1.30
ssh-agent 1.15
ssh-credentials 1.13
ssh-slaves 1.20
structs 1.10
subversion 2.9
testng-plugin 1.14
throttle-concurrents 2.0.1
timestamper 1.8.8
token-macro 2.1
windows-slaves 1.3.1
workflow-aggregator 2.5
workflow-api 2.20
workflow-basic-steps 2.6
workflow-cps 2.38
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.8
workflow-durable-task-step 2.13
workflow-job 2.14.1
workflow-multibranch 2.16
workflow-scm-step 2.6
workflow-step-api 2.12
workflow-support 2.14
ws-cleanup 0.34Jenkins 1.67 Plugins: ace-editor 1.1 ansicolor 0.5.0 ant 1.5 antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5 authentication-tokens 1.3 bouncycastle-api 2.16.2 branch-api 2.0.11 build-timeout 1.18 clone-workspace-scm 0.6 cloudbees-folder 6.1.2 conditional-buildstep 1.3.6 credentials 2.1.14 credentials-binding 1.12 display-url-api 2.0 docker-build-publish 1.3.2 docker-commons 1.8 docker-workflow 1.12 durable-task 1.14 email-ext 2.58 envinject 2.1.3 envinject-api 1.2 external-monitor-job 1.7 git 3.5.1 git-client 2.5.0 git-server 1.7 github 1.28.0 github-api 1.86 github-branch-source 2.2.3 github-organization-folder 1.6 gogs-webhook 1.0.10 gradle 1.27.1 greenballs 1.15 groovy-postbuild 2.3.1 handlebars 1.1.1 hidden-parameter 0.0.4 icon-shim 2.0.3 jackson2-api 2.7.3 javadoc 1.4 jquery-detached 1.2.1 junit 1.21 ldap 1.16 mailer 1.20 mapdb-api mask-passwords 2.10.1 matrix-auth 1.7 matrix-project 1.11 maven-plugin 2.17 momentjs 1.1.1 naginator 1.17.2 next-build-number 1.4 pam-auth 1.3 parameterized-trigger 2.35.1 pipeline-build-step 2.5.1 pipeline-github-lib 1.0 pipeline-graph-analysis 1.4 pipeline-input-step 2.7 pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 pipeline-model-api 1.1.9 pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 pipeline-model-definition 1.1.9 pipeline-model-extensions 1.1.9 pipeline-rest-api 2.8 pipeline-stage-step 2.2 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.1.9 pipeline-stage-view 2.8 plain-credentials 1.4 postbuild-task 1.8 postbuildscript 0.17 purge-build-queue-plugin 1.0 queue-cleanup 1.0 rebuild 1.25 resource-disposer 0.7 run-condition 1.0 scm-api 2.2.0 script-security 1.30 ssh-agent 1.15 ssh-credentials 1.13 ssh-slaves 1.20 structs 1.10 subversion 2.9 testng-plugin 1.14 throttle-concurrents 2.0.1 timestamper 1.8.8 token-macro 2.1 windows-slaves 1.3.1 workflow-aggregator 2.5 workflow-api 2.20 workflow-basic-steps 2.6 workflow-cps 2.38 workflow-cps-global-lib 2.8 workflow-durable-task-step 2.13 workflow-job 2.14.1 workflow-multibranch 2.16 workflow-scm-step 2.6 workflow-step-api 2.12 workflow-support 2.14 ws-cleanup 0.34
After having upgraded Jenkins from 2.65 to 2.67 and upgraded Jenkins plugins, the Merge Before Build option has disappeared from the Git optional behaviors menu of the pipeline syntax helper.
This is with upgrading the Git Plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.5.1
PreBuild merge was intentionally removed from the plugin in the git plugin 3.4.0 version. A new trait has been added to the git plugin 3.5.1 which can be optionally extended by a new plugin that will allow prebuild merge. arty13 has submitted the changes to create that plugin.