Using git plugin 2.3.1, git client plugin 1.12.0, and Jenkins 1.580.2-RC, I am able to duplicate this bug.
I took the following steps in my attempt to duplicate the bug:
- Define a new freestyle project with a quiet period of 130 seconds
- Use git as the SCM system, and set a polling interval once a minute
- Confirm that the initial polling detects a build is needed
- Confirm that the initial build starts about 2 minutes after the first poll
- Pushed a change to the repository
- Confirm the polling detects change and schedules a build
- Confirm that the quiet period decrements from 2 minutes 10 seconds to about 1 minute 10 seconds, then increases again to 2 minutes 10 seconds. The scheduled build never runs even though changes are detected
1.1.11 had the same problem but upgrading to 1.425-SNAPSHOT seems to solve the issue. Isn't it strange ?