Resolution: Fixed
25 slaves, 2 executors on each, matrix job with 228 combinations, all combinations finish very quickly
Jenkins fails to properly parse the commit's authorship in some step after archiving artifacts. There was a similar bug in 1.1.9 wrt whitespace in email addresses, but this issue presented itself first in 1.1.10. I've downgraded to 1.1.9 to see if it happens there, and will report back. Suspect this may be a race condition as roughly all 50 executors finishing their job at the same time, in my current configuration.
Archiving artifacts FATAL: No author in changeset caf6decf068e67382437f2afd58456e7a4de18e5 java.lang.RuntimeException: No author in changeset caf6decf068e67382437f2afd58456e7a4de18e5 at hudson.plugins.git.GitChangeSet.getAuthor(GitChangeSet.java:240) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild.getCulprits(AbstractBuild.java:281) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.post(AbstractBuild.java:582) at hudson.model.Run.run(Run.java:1386) at hudson.matrix.MatrixRun.run(MatrixRun.java:137) at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:88) at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:145)
The info in this commit:
$ git cat-file -p caf6decf068e67382437f2afd58456e7a4de18e5 tree 30085be0afbb6e8e57f3f0c3602d7532ecf3c183 parent d516daf04c94ea5c6fb401bf276301dd03d99a2d author Jenkins on bot-001 <jenkins@xxxxxxxxxxx.org> 1311284960 -0700 committer Jenkins on bot-001 <jenkins@xxxxxxxxxxx.org> 1311284960 -0700 v0.9.6-463-g52d1377: vc - mad900_cif.y4m @ 450 kbit