Resolution: Fixed
For NetBeans task list integration I am making use of https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Static+Code+Analysis+Plug-ins#StaticCodeAnalysisPlug-ins-RemoteAPI which works but has the performance issue that since the IDE does not know in advance which (if any) analysis plugins are actually in use for a given job, it has to go through a list of known plugin IDs and access the remote API for each one, skipping over ones that give a 404.
It would be nicer if e.g. $build/analysisPlugins/api/xml were bound to something that simply enumerated the plugin IDs. (Alternately, this API object could directly list all the results under e.g. <findbugsResult>.)
I think the latter one is already available when using the analysis-collector plug-in that shows the aggregation of all plug-ins:
Or do you need the individual results?