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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-10518

Maven assembly output is renamed while archiving

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Major Major
    • maven-plugin
    • None
    • Cent OS 5.5, Java 1.6.0_26, Maven 3.0.3, Jenkins 1.418 and 1.421

      After upgrading vom Jenkins 1.415 to 1.418 we have problems with archiving maven artifacts which were created by maven-assembly-plugin. Our delivery module produces a tar.gz file with the maven-assembly-plugin with <finalName>${env.JOB_NAME}${env.BUILD_ID}${env.BUILD_NUMBER}</finalName> as filename format (e.g. nightly_1.1.2_2011-07-28_23-01-28_31.tar.gz).
      When Jenkins archives this file it is renamed to <artifactId>-<version>.tar.gz (e.g. xxx.delivery.tar-1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz). Jenkins 1.415 has kept the original name from the assembly plugin.

      We use the archived files for deployment and releases. Now I have to which build (number) created that file and when was the build executed to rename the file.

      I've looked at the changeset between Jenkins 1.415 and 1.418, but I haven't found any relevant change in the maven-plugin directory. Jenkins 1.421 is also affected.

      Jenkins Log (last two lines):

      [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ xxx.delivery.tar ---
      [INFO] Installing /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/workspace/xxx/delivery/tar/pom.xml to /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/workspace/.repository/de/mms_dresden/xxx/xxx.delivery.tar/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/xxx.delivery.tar-1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.pom
      [INFO] Installing /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/workspace/xxx/delivery/tar/target/nightly_1.1.2_2011-07-28_23-01-28_31.tar.gz to /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/workspace/.repository/de/mms_dresden/xxx/xxx.delivery.tar/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/xxx.delivery.tar-1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
      projectSucceeded de.mms_dresden.xxx:xxx.delivery.tar:1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
      [JENKINS] Archiving /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/workspace/xxx/delivery/tar/pom.xml to /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/modules/de.mms_dresden.xxx$xxx.delivery.tar/builds/2011-07-28_23-06-49/archive/de.mms_dresden.xxx/xxx.delivery.tar/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/xxx.delivery.tar-1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.pom
      [JENKINS] Archiving /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/workspace/xxx/delivery/tar/target/nightly_1.1.2_2011-07-28_23-01-28_31.tar.gz to /home/artifacts/hudson/jobs/nightly_1.1.2/modules/de.mms_dresden.xxx$xxx.delivery.tar/builds/2011-07-28_23-06-49/archive/de.mms_dresden.xxx/xxx.delivery.tar/1.1.2-SNAPSHOT/xxx.delivery.tar-1.1.2-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz

          [JENKINS-10518] Maven assembly output is renamed while archiving

          kutzi added a comment -

          Looks like a duplicate of JENKINS-9466

          kutzi added a comment - Looks like a duplicate of JENKINS-9466

          Norman Seidel added a comment -

          I've found a workaround for us. I've activated "archive artifacts" in post-build-actions section. This build artifacts have its original name (finalname). Then I fixed the paths in our deployment script.

          Norman Seidel added a comment - I've found a workaround for us. I've activated "archive artifacts" in post-build-actions section. This build artifacts have its original name (finalname). Then I fixed the paths in our deployment script.

          Chris Wale added a comment -

          I am having the same problem with build 1.439? I thought this was fixed?

          Chris Wale added a comment - I am having the same problem with build 1.439? I thought this was fixed?

            Unassigned Unassigned
            nose Norman Seidel
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