I dived a little deeper into this and I can see what you mean there. I'd say a clean implementation would use Jelly or some other kind of templating system to store a template for each notification / bot command result, possibly even localized. And I suspect this task comes near a complete rewrite of the plugins as they are now. My problem is that my time is rather limited and that I'd have a big ramp-up time for such a project (knowing almost nothing about Jenkins internals nor the Jelly template engine), so its impossible for me to do alone.
Hell, since I only want to make Jabber messages appear in a friendlier way I suppose I'd be even faster by forking both plugins, pulling the common, needed stuff from the messaging into the jabber plugin and hacking plain-text and XHTML messages for the various publishing / bot tasks into that, but I suppose this would lead to an unmaintainable blob of crap.
Note to self: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0071.html#discovery