Kohsuke writes:
Meanwhile, we can use h.ifThenElse(testExpr,thenExpr,elseExpr) where h
is an object added to the context in layout.jelly — see Functions.java
for the definition of all the other methods on "h".
This is a function call and thus all three expressions always get
evaluated, but most of the time this behavior is acceptable.
Artifacts page does not get a title for some reason; apparently
views/hudson/model/Run/artifacts-index.jelly is not being used for this.
Log file has many NPEs of the form:
Sep 11, 2006 4:32:24 PM org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.jexl.JexlExpression
WARNING: Caught exception evaluating: title + ' [Hudson]'. Reason:
at org.apache.commons.jexl.parser.ASTAddNode.value(ASTAddNode.java:116)
at hudson.model.DirectoryHolder.serveFile(DirectoryHolder.java:84)
at hudson.model.Run.doArtifact(Run.java:579)
I guess the intention is that <layout> tag is suppsoed to be written like:
<l:layout title="...">
but looks like none of them have the title attribute. Would you be able to pitch
in on this one?