New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Ubuntu Linux 32-bit 11.04, Maven 3, Tycho 0.12.0, Jenkins 1.434
Hello all
I want to build eclipse tycho projects with Jenkins.
Therefore I used the "minerva" git-based test project (docs: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Minerva; download: https://github.com/caniszczyk/minerva) and split it into several cvs projects (because we still use cvs). The containing eclipse bundles and features were build with the help of a parent pom (the're defined as submodules), which i packed into a separate project. When I add all the cvs projects to Jenkins and start building, I get 2 problems:
1. The submodules won't be found (because of the "../submodule-name" - path link) and
2. If I build the submodules without jenkins and install them to my local repository, they will be found when building the parent with jenkins. But if there's a dependency defined within the manifest.mf of a submodule, which refers to another submodule, jenkins can't resolve this because it doesn't read this file in every tycho-project.
The file/dependency structure (abstract) is attached.
I know that this is a special problem, because everyone builds tycho projects out of a git repository and so it's only one project and everything is built at once. Therefore there is no need to read the manifest-dependencies and create the correct build order.
Thank you for your help.
Regards, Thomas
No reaction to this issue so far, so I'm assingning the issue to olamy who is working on tycho issues.