Resolution: Fixed
The jenkins is running under a Tomcat 7.0/JDK 1.6_036 64 bits / Windows 2008 R1 64 bits
Gallio (3.2) is running MsTests ( VS 2010) under framework 4.0
The error message is not reported.
I patched the galio-1.x-to-junit-1.0.xsl files by remplacing the line
<xsl:value-of select="a:testLog/a:streams/a:stream/a:body/a:contents/a:section/a:contents/a:text"/>
<xsl:value-of select="a:testLog/a:streams/a:stream/a:body/a:contents/a:text"/>
Now it works. I attach a sample of galio report for you to test.
I think it's you that maintain the gallio plugin now...
You can even take the lead on the plugin. It will be easier....