Resolution: Unresolved
I'm using 1.472.
I have a maven pom with two profiles.
The first profile contains:
1. a <properties> setting the property jdd.service.port (phase initialize)
2. an execution of the maven-failsafe-plugin with a systemPropertyValues reference to jdd.service.port (phase integration-test)
3. some executions of the antrun plugin for ant files that reference jdd.service.port
The second profile contains:
1. an execution of build-helper-maven-plugin:reserve-network-ports with jdd.service.port as one of the portName element values.
Run outside of Jenkins, this works as intended. The value from ::reserve-network-ports over-rides the value from <properties>, for both ant and failsafe.
When run inside of jenkins, failsafe sees the default value (from <properties>) instead of the desired value (from the build helper).
Frustrated, I am.