Resolution: Not A Defect
ivy plugin 1.19 on jenkins 1.439
All of my jobs are free-style projects using the ivy plugin to knit
them together.
I'm building an ivy module with different ivy branches. Builds on
any ivy branch trigger all the downstream projects, even the ones that
don't reference that particular branch. Is that expected behavior? I
browsed the source, and it looks like the ivy branch is taken into
account when determining dependencies.
Here's a generalized example,
ivy module Foo with branches A and B
ivy module Bar depends on Foo branch A
When Jenkins builds Foo branch B, it launches a downstream build of
Bar. Bar's dependency has not actually changed because it depends on
Foo branch A. It doesn't seem like the branch is being taken into
account when building the dependency graph.
Ok, I see now how this is related to the "Use extended revision matching to filter the project dependency graph" checkbox in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System. I had this checkbox unchecked. From reading the description, this looks like the behavior I'm looking for. After enabling this setting, none of my builds triggered downstream projects. I thought the issue now might be related to revision matching because a number of my modules matching with plus revision syntax (for example, 3.2.+). However, I ran a quick test with fully qualified revisions, and the downstream builds did not trigger as expected.
Let me know what I can do to help. Do you want me to edit this issue to reflect these findings or file an enhancement request now?