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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-11984

[Jenkins CI - Synergy Plugin] Enhancement: Replace Parameter with defined ones in current project

      It is possible to reference to - lets say - a version number in the synergy jenkins plugin using ${version_number}. ${version_number} is in this case a project specific parameter defined before using it.

      When I wanted to set the "Project Name" paremeter to ${version_name}-${version_number) (both are defined) it is't working. The second parameter is not replaced by the defined one.

      I would like to have that feature implemented or better say enhanced for all the parameters which are used for the Synergy Plugin within Jenkins CI (version 1.435).

          [JENKINS-11984] [Jenkins CI - Synergy Plugin] Enhancement: Replace Parameter with defined ones in current project

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            jribette jribette
            adelgald Andreas Del Galdo
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