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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-1261

Fatal exception when sending mail : java.lang.ClassCastException: gnu.mail.handler.TextPlain

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • mailer-plugin
    • None
    • Platform: All, OS: All

      When a build finishes, hudson fails to send a mail with the result of the build.
      This behaviour is new to version 1.180 (it worked with version 1.179).

      We get the following trace (note there is a valid e-mail and an invalid one,
      that's maybe the cause):

      Sending e-mails to: valid@email.Com ipad7251orange-ftgroup.com
      FATAL: gnu.mail.handler.TextPlain
      java.lang.ClassCastException: gnu.mail.handler.TextPlain
      at javax.activation.DataHandler.getDataContentHandler(DataHandler.java:611)
      at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(DataHandler.java:315)
      at javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility.getEncoding(MimeUtility.java:248)
      at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.updateHeaders(MimeBodyPart.java:1268)
      at javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.updateHeaders(MimeMessage.java:2012)
      at javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage.saveChanges(MimeMessage.java:1980)
      at javax.mail.Transport.send(Transport.java:97)
      at hudson.tasks.MailSender.execute(MailSender.java:74)
      at hudson.tasks.Mailer._perform(Mailer.java:75)
      at hudson.tasks.Mailer.perform(Mailer.java:69)
      at hudson.model.Build$RunnerImpl.post2(Build.java:136)
      at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.post(AbstractBuild.java:246)
      at hudson.model.Run.run(Run.java:677)
      at hudson.model.Build.run(Build.java:101)
      at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:70)
      at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:65)


          [JENKINS-1261] Fatal exception when sending mail : java.lang.ClassCastException: gnu.mail.handler.TextPlain

          julienw added a comment -

          I tried to remove mail-1.4.jar and activation-1.1.jar from the WAR file, and it

          Yet I don't know how you could make this a default...

          julienw added a comment - I tried to remove mail-1.4.jar and activation-1.1.jar from the WAR file, and it worked. Yet I don't know how you could make this a default...

          julienw added a comment -

          Some explanations about my last comment :
          we found that JOnAS uses the GNU implementation for javamail API and the
          activation framework. GNU Java Mail implements version 1.3 of the API whereas
          the implementation that hudson uses implements version 1.4 of the API.

          Maybe that's the reason...

          julienw added a comment - Some explanations about my last comment : we found that JOnAS uses the GNU implementation for javamail API and the activation framework. GNU Java Mail implements version 1.3 of the API whereas the implementation that hudson uses implements version 1.4 of the API. Maybe that's the reason...

          Perhaps <java2-delegation-model>false</java2-delegation-model> is wrong? This
          seems like forcing JONAS to load javamail from Hudson, not from JONAS itself.

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Perhaps <java2-delegation-model>false</java2-delegation-model> is wrong? This seems like forcing JONAS to load javamail from Hudson, not from JONAS itself.

          julienw added a comment -

          If you don't use this, asm is loaded from JOnAS... which is rather old.

          Indeed I think this has something to do with classloaders. But just deleting
          javamail and activation jars from Hudson's war makes Hudson use the jars in
          JOnAS, and it works correctly.

          julienw added a comment - If you don't use this, asm is loaded from JOnAS... which is rather old. Indeed I think this has something to do with classloaders. But just deleting javamail and activation jars from Hudson's war makes Hudson use the jars in JOnAS, and it works correctly.

          julienw added a comment -

          For information, I found that the bug is also in JOnAS' bugtracker (in french ):


          julienw added a comment - For information, I found that the bug is also in JOnAS' bugtracker (in french ): http://forge.objectweb.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=308797&group_id=5&atid=100005

          Filed https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5452 to fix
          activation.jar to handle this more gracefully.

          Hudson can then bundle such activation.jar to fix this problem.

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Filed https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5452 to fix activation.jar to handle this more gracefully. Hudson can then bundle such activation.jar to fix this problem.

          xaviou added a comment -

          I have exactly the same issue on Tomcat 5.5.23 packaged for Fedora 6.
          I use Hudson 1.256, and I have this issue since I use Hudson (version 1.244).
          As julienw suggested, I removed the mail and activation jars, and now it works.

          xaviou added a comment - I have exactly the same issue on Tomcat 5.5.23 packaged for Fedora 6. I use Hudson 1.256, and I have this issue since I use Hudson (version 1.244). As julienw suggested, I removed the mail and activation jars, and now it works.

          sauthieg added a comment -

          I've update the JOnAS' tracker comment.

          In substance: if the ASM dependency of hudson (or of the hudson's component
          that's really using ASM) could be removed, the delegation model could be set to
          false (meaning ask parent first).

          So the question become: is this possible to remove this dependency ? Jarjar or
          the maven-shade-plugin could be used to automatically "privatize" the ASM
          version in use.

          What do you think ?

          sauthieg added a comment - I've update the JOnAS' tracker comment. In substance: if the ASM dependency of hudson (or of the hudson's component that's really using ASM) could be removed, the delegation model could be set to false (meaning ask parent first). So the question become: is this possible to remove this dependency ? Jarjar or the maven-shade-plugin could be used to automatically "privatize" the ASM version in use. What do you think ?

          Given the presence of the work around, re-prioritizing.

          I continue to believe that a better fix is a patched activation.jar. Fiddling
          with classloader loader priority can very easily cause some other things to break.

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Given the presence of the work around, re-prioritizing. I continue to believe that a better fix is a patched activation.jar. Fiddling with classloader loader priority can very easily cause some other things to break.

          Code changed in hudson
          User: : kohsuke
          [FIXED JENKINS-1261] Bundling the patched activation.jar that fixes the ClassCastException problem.

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in hudson User: : kohsuke Path: trunk/hudson/main/core/pom.xml trunk/www/changelog.html http://fisheye4.cenqua.com/changelog/hudson/?cs=21316 Log: [FIXED JENKINS-1261] Bundling the patched activation.jar that fixes the ClassCastException problem.

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            julienw julienw
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