Resolution: Unresolved
64 bit Redhat Linux OS (2.6.18-238.5.1.el5)
We attempted to delete a previously configured email address in Email Notifications configuration for a job.
After saving the changes, the UI shows that the email address is no longer present. However, the job still sends out email notifications to the deleted email address. This was working fine on previous releases. We are on Jenkins v1.445
Diagnostic information for administrators:
Generating server: mpsc-expf02.uboc.com
#< #5.1.1 X-Notes; User Akhilesh.Dwivedi (Akhilesh.Dwivedi@union bank.com) not listed in Domino Directory > #SMTP#
Original message headers:
Received: from chdc-exhub01.uboc-ad.corp.uboc.com ([])
by mpsc-expf02.uboc.com (Lotus Domino Release 6.5.4FP3)
with ESMTP id 2012022911594077-76909 ; Wed, 29 Feb 2012
11:59:40 -0800
Received: from chabeprd204.uboc.com ( by
chdc-exhub01.uboc-ad.corp.uboc.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
Server id; Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:59:40 -0800
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:59:32 -0800
From: ABE Administrator <STIP-ABE-ADMIN@unionbank.com>
To: STIP-ABE-ADMIN, <David.Mattox@unionbank.com>, <Robert.Tu@unionbank.com>,
<Gary.Tang@unionbank.com>, <Wai.Yan@unionbank.com>,
<Bryant.Kwon@unionbank.com>, <Akhilesh.Dwivedi@unionbank.com>
In-Reply-To: <1237447658.28121330532922186.JavaMail.abeadm@chabeprd204.uboc.com>
References: <1237447658.28121330532922186.JavaMail.abeadm@chabeprd204.uboc.com>
Subject: Jenkins build is still unstable: SMR #377
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Jenkins-Job: SMR
X-Jenkins-Result: UNSTABLE
Return-Path: STIP-ABE-ADMIN@unionbank.com
X-MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on MP240-PF02/ENT/UBOC(Release 6.5.4FP3|January 09, 2006) at
02/29/2012 11:59:40 AM,
Serialize by Router on MP240-PF02/ENT/UBOC(Release 6.5.4FP3|January 09, 2006) at
02/29/2012 12:00:04 PM,
Serialize complete at 02/29/2012 12:00:04 PM
Message-ID: <OF12E998A4.03F34426-ON882579B3.006DD57E-882579B3.006DD59C@uboc.com>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
I am unable to reproduce this. Can you please show the console output from the job that shows what email addresses are being sent to?