Env: Jenkins 1.589 on Centos 6.5
Browser: Chrome 38.0.2125.111 on Windows 8.1
Problem: Job with a Maven project name containing 'something' in between. For example, Job with a name: CI build and Test 'master' branch
When trying to re-configure the Job:

- stalls on Loading (which doesn't actually prevent trying to edit, since not spanning over the whole view)
- from the failing 404 GET requests one can identify that it appends / char before ' char on some requests. By executing these request directly without the appended / character before the ' char they do work.
- One can swap through the HTML elements with tab and press to Save (wanted to fix the Job by renaming the project) which produces an Error: JSONObject["scm"] is not a JSONObject

When trying to Delete Maven Project:
- Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Appears to be here:
"function registerValidator(e) {
{ return eval(this.getAttribute("checkUrl")); }e.targetElement = findFollowingTR(e, "validation-error-area").firstChild.nextSibling;
e.targetUrl = function()
Where "this.getAttribute("checkUrl")" blows up because checkUrl contains something like: "'/checkDisplayName?displayName='encodeURIComponent(this.value)'&jobName='+encodeURIComponent('Job with single'quote')"