New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
The Android Emulator plugin lets you install the APK, but not launch it.
It'd be awesome if you could also launch the installed APK. Maybe another checkbox alongside the existing "Uninstall existing APK first" checkbox that says "Launch after installing APK"
It's easy to launch an app with adb:
adb shell am start -n com.package.name/com.package.name.ActivityName
This feature would be great because some automated testing usecases require the app to be running.
Yup, could do. In most cases there will be only one launcher activity, though in the case of multiple, I'd just use the first launchable-activity listed by `aapt dump badging`. Otherwise, we could add an "advanced" field where the component name can be specified.
Which test tools are you using which require the app to be running, and don't launch it themselves?