Do you mean the third column containing "main" and "test"? It has nothing to do with "multiproject", it is a "standard" SLOCCount output exactly the same as without "multiproject". The following two commands produce the same output.
You need to remove "details" to let "multiproject" to take effect.
I guess you would like to use the third column (which is completely ignored in SloccountParser class at the moment) for a new panel on the details page, correct? There are panels Files, Folders and Languages now. The third column is already part of the Folders panel (compare the third column with the fourth), but there are all other subdirectories too. I can image a new panel only for the top level directories (projects). What do you think?
Hi Brice,
can you please write more information about this feature request?
If I execute SLOCCount as usual, I will get the following output.
But if I execute SLOCCount with --multiproject flag as suggested in task Description, I will get something very different, which is basically incompatible with most of the plugin current functionality.
This task is candidate for rejection at the moment. Did I miss something?