Resolution: Won't Fix
Jenkins provides a powerful macro expansion capability https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Token+Macro+Plugin
In file ArtifactDeployerBuilder.java I'd suggest to replace:
final String includes = build.getEnvironment(listener).expand(entry.getIncludes());
final String excludes = build.getEnvironment(listener).expand(entry.getExcludes());
final String outputPath = build.getEnvironment(listener).expand(entry.getRemote());
with something like:
final String includes = TokenMacro.expandAll(build, listener, entry.getIncludes());
final String excludes = TokenMacro.expandAll(build, listener, entry.getExcludes());
final String outputPath = TokenMacro.expandAll(build, listener, entry.getRemote());
Thank you for considering this and for the great ArtifactDeployer plugin.
Thanks for using the artifactdeployer plugin.
Why not using this feature.
However, I don't want to introduce a dependency to the Token Macro plugin. It doesn't make sense.
Token Marco should extract its API to a dedicated library and then I could integrate this library.