Resolution: Unresolved
Mac OS X Jenkins 1.463 buildresult-trigger 0.6
After rebooting jenkins the buildresult-trigger won't trigger a build.
In our setup we use the buildresult-trigger to run a nightly test suite only after a build has happened during the day.
If the server is rebooted then builds will not be triggered on the first night and will only be triggered on the second night if another build has happened during the second day.
The polling log on the first night says that the monitored build didn't exist before. I guess this is because the plugin has no persistance? This means that after installing updates or new plugins our tests wont run for at least a day.
It is an issue that the plugin has to be take care.
You're right, there is no change detection because Jenkins has reboot and the plugin uses only persistence in memory at the moment.
I need to add a feature to have persistence on demand for this plugin.