We are also seeing this behavior on Jenkins ver. 2.89.4, running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 host.
We have a standard Jenkins Pipeline job, which contains a Multi-line String Parameter (it is the second of two parameters, the first being a String Parameter). When first clicking "Build with Parameters", the Multi-line parameter appropriately appears as a multi-line textarea box. This job is triggered by a CI bus message event automatically, so this field is normally auto-populated by the CI message, containing multiple lines of information.
However, when a completed (Failed or Successful) job is rerun using "Rebuild" (either clicking on the "Rebuild" link next to the job number on the main job page, or visiting (<jenkins_url>/job/<job_name>/<job_number>/rebuild/parameterized), the same parameter is displayed as a single-line input box. If we continue with this Rebuild process, the job will fail, as the parameter is now condensed into one line. If we click "Rebuild" from this new failed secondary job (say, #2), the parameter appropriately appears again as a textarea. This is consistently repeatable.
The screenshots at the top of this issue are consistent with the behavior we are seeing, but we are also happy to provide additional screenshots, or browser inspector code/console output. We were not able to see anything in the Jenkins logs that are related to this issue, but we could very well be missing something.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Reopening this issue since it is not completely fixed. When rebuilding, lines are still collapsed.