Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Platform: All, OS: Linux
If we define a Hudson Job with two Virtual Machines (different Images on the
same Vmware Host) and the job tries to power off the second virtual machine, the
Tomcat Java VM crashed.
vmware plugin version: private build based on haed version (we need the last not
released fix)
hudson version: 1.82
java jdk version: 1.6.0_04
tomcat version: 5.5.17-2.3
Here is the wrapper.log:
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | 06.03.2008 16:36:33
hudson.plugins.vmware.VirtualMachine powerOff
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | INFO: Powering off virtual machine
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | 06.03.2008 16:36:33
hudson.plugins.vmware.VirtualMachine powerOff
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | INFO: Powered down
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | 06.03.2008 16:36:33
hudson.plugins.vmware.VirtualMachine powerOff
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | INFO: Powering off virtual machine
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # An unexpected error has been
detected by Java Runtime Environment:
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x6257ee78,
pid=14022, tid=1644858288
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
(10.0-b19 mixed mode linux-x86)
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # Problematic frame:
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # C [libvix.so+0x67e78]
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # An error report file with more
information is saved as:
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # If you would like to submit a bug
report, please visit:
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # The crash happened outside the Java
Virtual Machine in native code.
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | # See problematic frame for where to
report the bug.
INFO | jvm 6 | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | #
ERROR | wrapper | 2008/03/06 16:36:33 | JVM exited unexpectedly.
STATUS | wrapper | 2008/03/06 16:36:38 | Launching a JVM...
To confirm:
This issue arises when you have two VMs controlled by the one job?
Additionally, what OS are you running the VMware host on? (is this x86 or x86_64)?
What version of VMware are you using (incl build number)?