Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins ver. 1.472
Copy To Slave Plugin 1.4
I installed the "Copy To Slave Plugin 1.4" at Jenkins 1.472. there are some jobs which build at slave. i want to copy the build result from slave to master. but the plugin can't work,it can't copy the specify files. I can find the jar package at the slave path "D:/jenkins/data/workspace/slave/target/mavendemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",but it cann't copy to master. the log file is like this:
[copy-to-slave] Copying 'D:/jenkins/data/workspace/slave/target/mavendemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar', excluding nothing, from 'file:/D:/jenkins/data/workspace/slave/' on 'hudson.slaves.DumbSlave@a48b92b1' to 'file:/D:/jenkins/data/jobs/slave/workspace/' on the master.
Finished: SUCCESS
If I want to copy three different directory,how can i do? in the current i find it can copy one directory file. such as the directory is below this,i want to copy A1.jar and B1.jar and C1.jar to master from slave . How can i do?