In Chrome 21.0 (works in Firefox 13.0 and IE 9 x64):
1. Click a drop list
2. Select an item
3. Expecting the item to be added but does nothing except closing the drop list
This is a recurring issue.
Some places where it's broken:
- Job Configure > Add Parameter
- Job Configure > Add build step
- Job Configure > Add post-build action
- Edit View > Add Section (for sectioned view)
- Configure System > Add Installer
- duplicates
JENKINS-9142 Session replication chokes on BoundObjectTable$Table, breaking UI
- Resolved
JENKINS-9173 Adding a parameterized parameter to a jenkins job does not work
- Resolved
Chrome 22 fixed it after a full cache & cookies reset. Strangely I had to clear those else I couldn't log in Jenkins.