Resolution: Duplicate
I've configured my build job to poll from a hg repository and build when it detected changes.
This failed because the authorization was not working correctly.
To reproduce:
- Create a new build job
- Set it to get it's data from a hg repository with a url of the form http://username:password/path/to/repo
- enable repository polling
- see that it doesn't work.
For us the problem was that although the mercurial url contained username and password, the password did not get retained in the url in the .hg/hgrc config.
i.e. it would read
- cat .hg/hgrc
default = http://user@host/path/to/hg/
instead of
- cat .hg/hgrc
default = http://user:password@host/path/to/hg/
- duplicates
JENKINS-16138 mercurial SCM always clones (instead of pulling) when using https
- Resolved
Setting right component.