We have jobs with similar names: longishName and longishName_2_3_4

      The one without the number at the end is a head build. The with the number is a branch.

      After upgrading this week from 1.472 to 1.491 and then subsequently downgrading, we found branch builds populated (subdirectories created under builds) into the head job. We could tell at a glance that there was a problem since we use the formatted version number as the build display name.

      Also, the head build job was on build # 13, but the build history contained builds with numbers in the 40's and 60's - although not everything from 40-70, just a frightening, confusing handful.

      The copied builds still existed, unmolested, in their actual parent jobs.

          [JENKINS-15998] builds copied to wrong job

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            vjuranek vjuranek
            ganncamp G. Ann Campbell
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