My build locked up whilst calling hudson.Util.deleteContentsRecursive
deleteContentsRecursive calls hudson.util.jna.Kernel32Utils.isJunctionOrSymlink
isJunctionOrSymlink uses hudson.util.jna.Kernel32
Kernel32 uses com.sun.jna.Native
Native deadlocked at in Native.<clinit> calling initIDs (Native method).
In another thread, hudson.node_monitors.SwapSpaceMonitor$ was calling org.jvnet.hudson.Windows.monitor which then used com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure deadlocked at in Structure.<clinit>
- is related to
JENKINS-39179 All builds hang, JNA load deadlock on Windows slave
- Open
Note: As a result of this deadlock, the slave had hundreds of threads all trying to call the SwapSpaceMonitor. This suggests that the monitor process isn't waiting for calls to complete before triggering another. This didn't help.