I don't have access to a win PC @home either, therefore I followed this instructions to get a VM up and running on my MAC: http://osxdaily.com/2011/09/04/internet-explorer-for-mac-ie7-ie8-ie-9-free/
After this, you can run your normal test-env with a specifig port (sudo mvn hpi:run -Djetty.port=80) and from within IE in your VM you can access it with this address: . Don't forget to change the "Jenkins URL" in the gloabl config to "" too, otherwise you CSS will not load (that was my first error)
By going through my setup I found that I forgot to change "Jenkins URL" and after adjusting it, I got a bit further, the boxes are now displayed, but they look really ugly (see new screenshots).
The only warning I get in IE is this one: "SEC7115: :visited and :link styles can only differ by color. Some styles where not applied to :visited. jsplumb"
While reading through the jsplumb documentation, I found this:
...if, for some reason, you set the render mode to be jsPlumb.VML but you're in any browser other than IE, jsPlumb will use SVG.
so I changed...
from: jsPlumb.setRenderMode(jsPlumb.SVG);
to: jsPlumb.setRenderMode(jsPlumb.VML);
it might be OK, but it did not really change anything.
Unfortunately I'm away for about the next three months so I'm not able to work on this...
I do not have access to a computer with Windows installed. Could you give me some Javascript errors or some hints what could be wrong?