Hi there,
First I created a simple freestyle job, with a shell build step (touch archive).
Then I downloaded XML-Simple-2.20, copied the t/ folder to my job workspace and executed in another shell build step: prove t/*.t --archive archive/.
Finally, added TAP to my project, with archive/*.t as pattern.
The result archive/7_SaxStuff.t contains a SKIP_ALL: 1..0 # SKIP no XML::SAX
It is interpreted neither as failure or as passed, it's simply treated as a skipped test 
Can you run your tests with prove and archive the results to an existing directory and check what happens, please?
Thank you in advance, -B
Hello Todd,
Let me see if I understand it right. The following text:
1..0 # SKIP Long-running tests disabled unless SLOW_TESTS environment variable set.
is not interpreted as a skip all plan, right? We can fix that in tap4j (tap plug-in uses tap4j for parsing TAP files).