Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins runs fine standalone with openID as security realm but Jenkins starts giving issues when it runs behind apache2 (ssl)and openID is enabled.
Instead of going to apache URL it redirects to Jenkins original URL and failed to launch.
for example when Jenkins runs behind proxy it redirects to https://build.xyx/jenkins but when open ID is enabled it goes to http://ip_address:8080/jenkins and failed to launch.
When I try to use openID SSO as security realm in Jenkins and use provider url as - https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id, I get below error while launching Jenkins -
I have installed 1.480.2 version of jenkins
Orginial URL of Jenkins - http://hostIP:8080/jenkins
When access via apache - https://dns_name/jenkins
Examining the code of openIDsession.java, it looks like the receivingURL is being pulled from the deployed and not from the url which was sent. Changing( String receivingURL = Hudson.getInstance().getRootUrl() + this.finishUrl would likely solve the problem.
It worked fine after I mentioned my company domain name
Let me know if further details are required
Please suggest how to overcome this issue.
Working fine now. But I got new requirement.
All logged in users should have read only permissions and few selected users can have jab-creater access.
Now all users from google apps can login but I need to provide them read only permission which is not a good idea.
Is it possible that all loggged in users will have read only permission by default?