Since registering this issue, I've made a groovy script that runs periodically to add claiming rights to all jobs. I'll paste it in here if anyone needs it. Note that I am no groovy master so it may have bugs etc. But it works for us:
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.maven.*
import hudson.tasks.*
println("Scanning for jobs without claim rights")
for(item in Hudson.instance.items) {
println(" Checking $")
hasClaim = false;
if(item instanceof FreeStyleProject) {
for(p in item.getPublishersList() )
if(p instanceof hudson.plugins.claim.ClaimPublisher)
hasClaim = true;
if ("x"))
println(" Skipping utility job")
else {
println(" Adding claim right to $")
item.getPublishersList().add(new hudson.plugins.claim.ClaimPublisher() );
} else {
println(" Claim right already added to $")
} else {
type = item.getClass().toString();
println(" Skipping non-FreeStyleProject job ($type)");
I've just created a PR in github for this item.