Resolution: Not A Defect
I am using the build-on commit feature with github.
- I've got a dedicated user that has pull-only to several of my repositories.
- GitHub Web Hook is configured like so:
+ "Let Jenkins auto-manage hook URLs" enabled
+ "Override Hook URL" disabled
+ "GitHub credentials" = credentials of the dedicated user - In the job configuration, "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub" is enabled
- On github.com in the "Service Hooks" section of my repo, I've added a "WebHook URL": https://XXX/github-webhook/
I've tested the hook (using "Test Hook" button in github Service Hooks configuration) in the following cases and here is what I observe:
- OK (= a build is triggered) if the repo contains a simple maven project at the root of the repository
- OK if the repo contains several (unrelated) maven projects and jenkins job root pom points to one of the projects
- NOT OK if the repo contains a multi-module maven project at the root of the repository and jenkins job root pom points to the 'master' pom, like so:
..pom.xml <- root pom
Turned out it finally works after updating related plugins and using 'Jenkins (GitHub Plugin)' instead of 'WebHook URLs' in github project hook settings.