New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Jpendend only allows one relative or aboslute path and so only one jdepend source file to be recognized. We have a build project which runs several project builds in own jenkins job and so created several jpdend files.
The plugin shall be able to handle many files and integrate them in one report. This needs the plugins also to be able to read from several paths and therfore shall support multipath config and wildcards like */reports/jdepend.xml (searches in any subfolder with name reports in any folder deep level for file with name starting with jdepend and ending with extension.xml
Another use case for this feature: when running a gradle build with multiple source sets, the gradle jdepend plugin generates one file for each. Even with a single source set and some tests, it will generate a main.xml and a test.xml. It would be good to support this conventional functionality here.