Hi Alex,
No worries re. the delay =)
Finally I managed to reproduce this stack trace. Here's the steps required:
1) create simple job, with at least one TAP file and with ok/not ok's and comments
2) execute the job (I have 2 builds)
3) open build.xml and look for an entry similar to: <org.tap4j.model.Comment reference="../../tapLines/org.tap4j.model.TestResult[3]/comments/org.tap4j.model.Comment
4) replace the [3] by any higher random number (here I used 5)
5) as the objects have already been loaded in memory, stop/start jenkins
6) open the build in Jenkins WEB UI
7) watch the log for an error similar to the following (windows box, that's why the stack trace is word-wrapped)
Caused by: com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: Invalid refe
---- Debugging information ----
reference : ../../tapLines/org.tap4j.model.TestResult[5]/comments/org.
class : hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild
required-type : java.util.LinkedList
path : /build/actions/org.tap4j.plugin.TapTestResultAction/tapRes
line number : 132
at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert(A
at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother(TreeUnm
at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother(TreeUnm
at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionCon
at hudson.util.RobustCollectionConverter.populateCollection(RobustCollec
I looked again at tap4j versions, as well as previous releases of the plug-in and couldn't spot a reason for this error happen in your environment. I'm seeing if the plug-in can do some sanity check or if I can find why your build.xml causes this error.
Hi Alex, today I had some time to try with the XML you provided, and could see similar errors in my stack trace.
I fixed the issue at my test box by removing the missing fields from the build XML. Looks like somewhere in the past some of the fields of this job got removed, probably when the plug-in was downgraded or upgraded.
I couldn't find anything when going to the configuration page. I was expecting to find the buttons to manage/dismiss missing data. But in case you see these buttons, you may try using it to manage the data.
I tried it after finding this thread from the dev-mailing-list [1].
I took a look at tap4j 3.2 and tap4j 3.3 (the 1.8 and 1.9 plug-in versions use the 3.3) and both have the field marked as missing in your stack trace. I couldn't find a way to circumvent this error.
Could you give it a try? See if by removing the missing fields from your build.xml?
[1] http://jenkins.361315.n4.nabble.com/email-ext-plugin-startup-warnings-after-cleaning-up-td4213816.html